Want to be a
Supplier ?

Becoming a supplier for any product and service is not complex as long as you meet the criteria and quality standards are maintained.

Want to be a Supplier?

Becoming a supplier for any product and service is not complex as long as you meet the criteria and quality standards are maintained. BSC screens and tests the different applications. We look into who you are and your unique selling proposition. Other than product information and capabilities, we also look into your high on-time delivery rate. The main aim is to find a reliable supplier and one who is competitively priced.

If your application is approved, then a few samples/test projects and more information may be required. Once the candidate is accepted, the supplier is added to the company’s vendor list, which means you can benefit from our platform and grow your business.

We don’t just add suppliers but work on building lasting relations with them. Being on the list gets you the exposure that your business/service needs. We have a global network of professionals and world-class organizations looking for suppliers like you. So let’s begin.

Find Employees that Fit

Finding suitable talent for a job has always been quite a challenge for almost every organization. At times you get the person with the right credentials but the pay structure doesn’t match and sometimes the person may just not be the right fit. The search and hiring of the right candidate is often a long and exhausting process. When you have to launch new products in this environment, the company suffers. But BSC is here to make recruiting talent simpler for you. You can find elite contractors and freelancers who have a record of delivering quality projects timely.
Whatever your project and business goals, at BSC you can find the best supplier source to meet your needs and make your business thrive. We have an international network of top freelance software developers, programmers, designers, finance experts, product managers, and project managers available. If there is any important task or project and you are looking for relevant freelancers who can take care of the job in an efficient manner, you can explore the pool of talent we have. Many top companies have used their services successfully and only have good experiences to share.

Find the Right Client for Your Services

Just like top organizations are on the hunt for the best services, freelancers also want to pitch their services and find the right client who can pay them adequately. Individuals also struggle to find the right workplace for themselves. They might be looking for a well-organized company, a positive work culture, or perhaps an impressive pay scale. The priorities can be different for every person.
If you are clear regarding what you want, set your priorities and choose an industry or area that you want to apply in. BSC will store your information data such as your qualifications and other relevant details and connect you with world-class organizations that may be looking for your skill-set.

Find Your Supplier

Looking for e-invoicing, payment automation solutions, smart apps, and digitalization of trade? BSC is a one-stop destination where you can get all the business solutions from verified suppliers. Our marketplace gives customers access to thousands of products to buy from. We can connect you with relevant businesses for your product and facilitate you with supplier financing.
In today’s digital world, automation of processes is pivotal for businesses to operate efficiently. From finance to supply chain to communication, every aspect and function of a business needs to be transparent and smooth. And that’s precisely what BSC excels at. It makes use of advanced technology, a data-driven approach, and cloud-based digital information to rule out the possibilities of error, thereby saving time and effort for all parties. This in turn allows organizations to scale fast and with ease.
BSC understands that when an organization moves into new markets the supply chain becomes complicated. Our comprehensive and collaborative digital platform allows you to consolidate your records and monitor supply chain activity. From tracking orders to having invoices you can keep an eye on the outcomes.

Supplier Benefits

  • Global Reach

When you become a supplier on the BSC platform it means international exposure and more customers for your product/services that can help in business growth.

  • All Information at One Place

Every detail you enter or any interaction that takes place is stored. The data of your transactions and customers’ information can be referred to for future use and to build on customer relations.

  • Faster Market Response

You can make deals quicker in seconds because every process is streamlined.

  • Enjoy Simple Processes

Business dealings can be very complex, but not when all the operations are handled in an orderly manner. You just have to make your account to start selling, this is how simple BSC is.

  • Rating System

Having a rating system helps sellers be competitive, because the better the rating, the more customers you can get.

  • Affordable Marketing

Having your name on the list of sellers is a cheaper way of selling your goods to a wider audience. The right marketing can save you a lot of hassle and give you the exposure you need which is particularly beneficial for start-ups.

  • Convenient Payment

Once a deal is made, the payment system is simpler and more efficient with automatic e-invoice and record of the entire transaction maintained.